Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Baby

So there is this wonderful new addition to our family that I haven't told you too much about...Chase.


1) is 9 months old.

2) can snap his fingers.

3) can clap.

4) can wave bye bye.

5) sleeps through the night. All night.

6) smiles a lot.

7) wears 18 mo. clothing.

8) started off with black hair and is now blond.

9) likes to run us over in his walker.

10) likes to look at that baby in the mirror.

At one point I didn't want anymore children. I had been hurt too bad. But when I look at Chase it makes it better, not perfect, but better. Chase was exactly what this family needed and I am thankful everyday for the family that I do have.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Everything's Fine

Imagine this: Police are dispatched to a domestic dispute. The neighbor being the comedian that he is, decides that he's going to set up a booby trap for the officer when he arrives on scene. Funny, right? The other neighbors will get a good laugh at it. The officer will find it funny. But we all know what will happen. The man who set up the trap will be fined, possibly arrested. Perhaps the women in the domestic dispute will have a broken rib, the man a black eye, all because the officer didn't get there soon enough to restore the peace.

Police officers provide a public service - "to serve and protect"

I too provide a public service - to educate.

What happens when someone gets in the way of me doing my job? AKA the class clown. The student is disciplined by the school, perhaps suspended for a few days, then right back to their old tricks. We are responsible to teach these children, because the state says so. Just like the police are responsible to protect all neighborhoods.

Once in a while these "trouble" students are removed to another classroom where there are less students in a class and the disruptions are kept to a minimum. Now the public is punished. That student has just become more expensive to educate. Likewise, when students are required to serve detention, all the taxpayers pay the proctor, not just those who are being punished. Just like the "funny" neighbor. He pays the fine, not the rest of the city. Why don't schools do the same thing? If a student disrupts education, fine him. If a student needs to be in a smaller class size because they won't stop talking, fine her. Don't fine the taxpayers by wasting their money to educate these students specially.

To make myself clear, I am not speaking about special education students. I am speaking only about the students who constantly disrupts class for attention, or to talk to their friends, or to make the rest of the class laugh. When are these students going to be held accountable?

Last thought. And this is only a thought. We know they are out there. Those people who have children, not because they like children, but because they want more government money. I have no data to back this up, but here's a thought. These people don't pay much attention to their kids, let alone back up discipline from school. What if these are the children causing the problems at school? What if they are causing these problems because they don't get enough attention at home? These parents who have children for more money will be the ones paying the fines and losing the money they thought they deserved. Just a thought.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I'll admit it...the internet scares me. I did a search this morning of my name and couldn't believe the amount of accurate information that appeared. It listed my husband's name, my half-brother's name, books that I wrote, by facebook page, my "rate your teacher" information, even my amazon wish list. Okay, maybe the information wasn't completely accurate. For one, the facebook page was of a much older woman with the same name as me. Also, that most certainly is not my amazon wish list - I'm no artist.

This leaves my blog so limited. There are so many things that I would like to share with my readers (yes all 2 of you). I would love to show you pictures of my children, but I'm scared. I'd love to share with you events in my community that I attend, but I'm afraid. What are the chances that something bad will happen to me if I tell you too much....they are probably very small....but I'm certain that I would hear about it from my husband....yes, I afraid of him too :)