Thursday, October 23, 2008

Life in a Nutshell

We hired a new math teacher this fall, Mary. Her classroom is directly across from mine and we see each other a lot between classes, even during classes. One day I confessed to her that I loved to scrapbook. It so happens that she has a book of the first 18 years of her life. It was an assignment in one of her classes when she was a senior in high school. She was so kind as to bring it to work and let me see it. I read every word she wrote. That book is amazing. It is a 3" 3-ring binder with writings from her parents, pictures, memorabilia, and her recollection of her life up to 18 years.

As I'm reading her stories I am reminded of so many of my own. Like my friend Jason slipping on the ice in the gutter every morning when I picked him up for school. I haven't thought about that in years. Or the time when my dad was in high school and wore a wig so the teacher thought there was a new student. Or what about my entire basketball "career" in school. I never wrote any of those things down. I think I need to do this.

What a treasure that Mary has. Everything in one place. Her grandchildren will thank her for it, I'm sure.


Bekah said...

haha your dad did what?!?!

awesome! well...i for one think you should write them here!

Anonymous said...

Yes - please tell us the story of your dad and the wig.. sounds hilarious! Rock on your Dad!