Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wish us Luck!

I am taking 8 students to a math competition today....Let's hope for success.
I will update you later.


We didn't place in any of the competitions, but this was our first year there. So, we didn't really know what to expect. Hopefully within the next few years we work our way up to the top. Although we didn't place, we did have a lot of fun, and I got to know 8 of my students even better. That alone made the trip worth while.

And if that wasn't enough, we received some cool T-shirts:

They are incredibly nerdy and that's why I LOVE them.

Here's the front:

Here's the back of the shirt:


Anonymous said...

Good luck! Hope it went well.

Bekah said...

eek good luck!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE those T shirts!