Friday, October 24, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

When I was in high school I loved to carve pumpkins. My parents would buy those kits and I would tape the paper to the pumpkin and poke holes, the whole business. When I was done, it looked like a butchered mess to everyone but me. But then you lit it up with a candle and all became clear. Sorry about the pictures, they were in my scrapbook and I didn't want to tear the pictures out of it...

Now it's your turn. Try carving this online pumpkin. not open at work, you will become addicted.

Pumpkin Simulator


Anonymous said...

That was fun! Love your carved pumpkins too!

Lindsey said...

I love your carved pumpkins!! Too fun!

Bekah said...

haha that is cute! and holy crap your pumpkins? awesome! we carved pumpkins last year...matt carved his hand...sigh kiddie scissors it is!