Monday, November 17, 2008

Every Monday Matters #3

This is the week that we have amber alerts sent to us. Go to this website to get details. I looked over the website and it is amazing how effective the amber alert is. For example, from the 2007 report there were 278 amber alerts in the United States. - 48 recoveries were from the issue of amber alerts. That's 17% of the cases. If you don't include those missing children that were reported due to a prank, then the percentage increases to 21%.

I don't know about you but those are some pretty good percentages, but we can make them higher. If you go to this website you can have amber alerts sent directly to your cell phone. There is a button on the website that is quick and easy to use.

I just registered my cell phone number for amber alerts and you can narrow it down to a certain region. I will only be receiving text messages for amber alerts in 5 zip codes around me. Once you enroll, you will receive a text supplying you password, your zip codes, and how to change your setting.

Next week:
Prepare for an emergency.

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